General messages, related to AP or AO. (All users can read)
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Post by Chrisax »

To see how an effect is created, click on the "QUOTE" button to see the text I entered with the codes. When you have your mouse over a design button above, it also displays a small example.


New forums are up. We’ve been waiting for a long time but I’m glad I could finally finish the job.

AP now has ultra-modern and much better designed (well, I hope so!) forums. It’s the first step to new Web features for AP.

The Towers Database system for the Clans, created and hosted by AP, will be the next step. Then the AP web site will be the third step, along with the MP Guide.
But let's get to our topic... So what can you do with the new forums?...

...So many things that I can’t list them all. But these new forums will allow better communication and information, and much better looking posts, especially interesting to create great guides for AO.
[center][b][size=110][color=#FFBF00]Better communication and information[/color][/size][/b][/center] [justify]Forums can now have sub-forums (like folders and sub-folders on your computer), so information can be much better organized. We will change the structure of forums soon; for the moment we leave it as it was, so you don’t have to get used to too many changes at the same time. Also, Links to the Web can now appear on the list of forums. No more important link hiding deep in a post now. You can now save drafts of your messages and PMs, and edit them as long as you want, even hours later, before posting. Search functions have been vastly improved, and now you can even perform a new search inside the results of a preceding search. Functions to list new topics, unread topics, your topics, unanswered topics, etc., and jump to them have been enhanced too. You can now bookmark topics, and still mark them unread if you wish so. You can subscribe to forums and be informed when something is posted. You can send the same PM to a list of members. You can manage your forums options, old and news, much better. You can even create a list of friends and foes. (A useless thing in AP!) If you are interested in all the details, you can see a list of the features (compared to the old ones) here: but be aware we implemented even more in AP forums.[/justify][size=110][center][b][color=#FFBF00]Layout and design: another world[/color][/b][/center][/size] [justify]Looking at this thread, you probably already understood many, many things have changed in the way you can post! You can even use videos, and Flash animations. Your messages can now be more legible, much better designed, and that’s just great for guides-writers… or for the fun! But, first thing, we solved a long-time issue on the forums: in the past, if you posted a very large picture or a very long line that couldn’t be warped, you know that all the thread was stretched to fit the large element. This made the other posts difficult to read as their lines could even be longer than your screen. Now, if something “too” large is posted in a message, AP forums will stretch ONLY that message, and will leave their normal width to other messages. Like this:[/justify] [thumbnail][/thumbnail] (Click on the thumbnail to see the picture.) [justify]But you can also ask the forums to create a thumbnail for a picture somewhere on the web, as you just saw, and will see again below.[/justify] [color=#FF4000]And now, let’s the fun begin!... The available posting features![/color]
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Post by Chrisax »

You can do all the following, and even more is still to come. Also note that most of the possibilities below can be combined together.
To see how an effect is created, click on the "QUOTE" button to see the text I entered with the codes. When you have your mouse over a design button above, it also displays a small example.
In order not to distract you, the text used in most examples is a Latin one, and if you wonder, it's a famous text of Cicero.

Let's start with our best friend in this post: the simple horizontal rule, because we'll use it to separate sections:

The horizontal rule

Here it is:

And now let's continue. :)

Hide and show text

You can post hidden spoiler, or just make some parts of your posts "fold", for example long details or technical stuff. Just try: click "Show" and then "Hide".
Hello, I was hiding there! :wink: And that picture was hiding too with me!


All the old features you were used to

You can still use Bold, Italic, Underline, Lists, Code, Quotes... But as you know them... we have hidden them and you have to press on the button to see how they look!

Curabitur ut tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus quis sem vitae elit elementum bibendum. Phasellus pulvinar. Aliquam ornare volutpat dolor. Cras augue. Ut mattis blandit quam. Sed arcu magna, viverra quis, gravida quis, interdum quis, erat. Praesent ut ante. Nunc dictum urna at orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
Bold, Italics, Underline
Colors Colors Colors Colors Colors Colors Colors Colors Colors

Indented text
  • one
    • three

Center text

You can easily center text or titles.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Nulla libero justo, consectetuer et, adipiscing vel, pretium vitae, mi.
Donec dui. Curabitur luctus pede et arcu.
Nunc eget felis ac nunc interdum congue. Integer rutrum iaculis dolor.

Right-aligned text

That's easy too!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Nulla libero justo, consectetuer et, adipiscing vel, pretium vitae, mi.
Donec dui. Curabitur luctus pede et arcu.
Nunc eget felis ac nunc interdum congue. Integer rutrum iaculis dolor.

Justified text

Very easy, your text can be justified (aligned on both sides).
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla libero justo, consectetuer et, adipiscing vel, pretium vitae, mi. Donec dui. Curabitur luctus pede et arcu. Nunc eget felis ac nunc interdum congue. Integer rutrum iaculis dolor. Curabitur in nunc. Nunc dolor. In ullamcorper odio quis libero mollis dapibus. Quisque ultrices condimentum lacus. Nunc aliquet nisl in mi. Nam magna dui, posuere ac, cursus vitae, tincidunt sit amet, augue. Nullam leo. In aliquet, ante et sodales molestie, mauris lectus accumsan ante, nec consequat nisl lacus sit amet enim. Nulla facilisi. Nunc a ipsum non lorem tincidunt egestas. Praesent velit diam, imperdiet eu, imperdiet in, aliquam eget, risus. Phasellus tempus pretium dolor.

Include YouTube videos

You just need to know the #ID of the video or or the web-embed code provided by YouTube, select it, and then click on a button.

Text with borders

As simple as selecting text and clicking the border button.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla libero justo, consectetuer et, adipiscing vel, pretium vitae, mi. Donec dui. Curabitur luctus pede et arcu. Nunc eget felis ac nunc interdum congue. Integer rutrum iaculis dolor. Curabitur in nunc. Nunc dolor. In ullamcorper odio quis libero mollis dapibus. Quisque ultrices condimentum lacus. Nunc aliquet nisl in mi. Nam magna dui, posuere ac, cursus vitae, tincidunt sit amet, augue.

Text with borders and TITLE

Almost as simple, select text, click a button, and just add the title at the reserved place for it.
Cicero's text about sufferingLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla libero justo, consectetuer et, adipiscing vel, pretium vitae, mi. Donec dui. Curabitur luctus pede et arcu. Nunc eget felis ac nunc interdum congue. Integer rutrum iaculis dolor. Curabitur in nunc. Nunc dolor. In ullamcorper odio quis libero mollis dapibus. Quisque ultrices condimentum lacus. Nunc aliquet nisl in mi. Nam magna dui, posuere ac, cursus vitae, tincidunt sit amet, augue.

Text with borders and RED TITLE

Same as above, just not the same button
Cicero's text about sufferingLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla libero justo, consectetuer et, adipiscing vel, pretium vitae, mi. Donec dui. Curabitur luctus pede et arcu. Nunc eget felis ac nunc interdum congue. Integer rutrum iaculis dolor. Curabitur in nunc. Nunc dolor. In ullamcorper odio quis libero mollis dapibus. Quisque ultrices condimentum lacus. Nunc aliquet nisl in mi. Nam magna dui, posuere ac, cursus vitae, tincidunt sit amet, augue.

A raw text area

Maybe you want something very simple... here it is, one button to click after selecting the text.
Curabitur ut tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus quis sem vitae elit elementum bibendum. Phasellus pulvinar. Aliquam ornare volutpat dolor. Cras augue. Ut mattis blandit quam. Sed arcu magna, viverra quis, gravida quis, interdum quis, erat. Praesent ut ante. Nunc dictum urna at orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

A raw text area with SCROLLING

Ideal for very long quotes or long texts that doesn't need to be visible as a blocK.
Donec lacinia bibendum est. Nullam tristique pede id diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus lorem metus, tincidunt a, commodo nec, rutrum vitae, lacus. Nam urna nibh, suscipit a, elementum at, molestie sed, mi. Suspendisse cursus pharetra massa. Etiam sagittis sapien at velit. Suspendisse lacus nulla, commodo suscipit, vestibulum sed, egestas eget, felis. Vestibulum arcu. Pellentesque commodo ante placerat dui. Phasellus rutrum nisl. Morbi commodo massa at purus. Fusce molestie tellus nec nunc. Mauris dui leo, pretium in, scelerisque pharetra, faucibus molestie, nisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus eu felis. Nulla convallis, mi id pellentesque viverra, urna arcu dignissim magna, et tincidunt nibh magna quis lectus. Sed sodales. Curabitur elementum eros ut diam.

Aenean nulla nunc, hendrerit in, iaculis eget, aliquam id, ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum molestie arcu ut ante. Ut iaculis. Nullam odio lacus, mollis eget, molestie non, tincidunt at, felis. Curabitur eleifend suscipit est. Nullam luctus. Morbi scelerisque mollis felis. Phasellus suscipit elementum risus. Morbi faucibus. Maecenas accumsan, massa nec accumsan vestibulum, orci tortor egestas neque, sed semper velit est ut arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Integer lectus mi, pretium a, lobortis ac, semper a, tortor. Aenean ultrices volutpat velit. Proin risus. Proin volutpat. Sed lacinia mi ac nulla. Integer id felis.

Curabitur ut tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus quis sem vitae elit elementum bibendum. Phasellus pulvinar. Aliquam ornare volutpat dolor. Cras augue. Ut mattis blandit quam. Sed arcu magna, viverra quis, gravida quis, interdum quis, erat. Praesent ut ante. Nunc dictum urna at orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Curabitur eget nibh eu dolor bibendum adipiscing. Praesent sed sapien. Cras enim nisi, eleifend sit amet, rutrum at, faucibus quis, ante. Quisque accumsan, erat porttitor vestibulum luctus, orci tortor aliquam sapien, eget ultricies nulla lorem eu leo. Cras rutrum. Etiam eu augue. Sed urna nisi, iaculis a, dignissim eget, sodales eu, lorem. Sed id nibh eu nisl iaculis ultrices. Mauris leo nisi, gravida nec, mattis at, blandit a, ante. Maecenas fringilla magna nec augue. Pellentesque nec est.


Click on a button, place your text at the reserved places with a | (pipe symbol) as separator..
Aenean nulla nunc, hendrerit in, iaculis eget, aliquam id, ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum molestie arcu ut ante. Ut iaculis. Nullam odio lacus, mollis eget, molestie non, tincidunt at, felis. Curabitur eleifend suscipit est. Nullam luctus. Morbi scelerisque mollis felis. Phasellus suscipit elementum risus. Morbi faucibus. Maecenas accumsan, massa nec accumsan vestibulum, orci tortor egestas neque, sed semper velit est ut arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Integer lectus mi, pretium a, lobortis ac, semper a, tortor. Aenean ultrices volutpat velit. Proin risus. Proin volutpat. Sed lacinia mi ac nulla. Integer id felis.Curabitur eget nibh eu dolor bibendum adipiscing. Praesent sed sapien. Cras enim nisi, eleifend sit amet, rutrum at, faucibus quis, ante. Quisque accumsan, erat porttitor vestibulum luctus, orci tortor aliquam sapien, eget ultricies nulla lorem eu leo. Cras rutrum. Etiam eu augue. Sed urna nisi, iaculis a, dignissim eget, sodales eu, lorem. Sed id nibh eu nisl iaculis ultrices. Mauris leo nisi, gravida nec, mattis at, blandit a, ante. Maecenas fringilla magna nec augue. Pellentesque nec est.
And of couse you can combine with a Justify code for example!
[justify]Aenean nulla nunc, hendrerit in, iaculis eget, aliquam id, ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum molestie arcu ut ante. Ut iaculis. Nullam odio lacus, mollis eget, molestie non, tincidunt at, felis. Curabitur eleifend suscipit est. Nullam luctus. Morbi scelerisque mollis felis. Phasellus suscipit elementum risus. Morbi faucibus. Maecenas accumsan, massa nec accumsan vestibulum, orci tortor egestas neque, sed semper velit est ut arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Integer lectus mi, pretium a, lobortis ac, semper a, tortor. Aenean ultrices volutpat velit. Proin risus. Proin volutpat. Sed lacinia mi ac nulla. Integer id felis.[/justify][justify]Curabitur eget nibh eu dolor bibendum adipiscing. Praesent sed sapien. Cras enim nisi, eleifend sit amet, rutrum at, faucibus quis, ante. Quisque accumsan, erat porttitor vestibulum luctus, orci tortor aliquam sapien, eget ultricies nulla lorem eu leo. Cras rutrum. Etiam eu augue. Sed urna nisi, iaculis a, dignissim eget, sodales eu, lorem. Sed id nibh eu nisl iaculis ultrices. Mauris leo nisi, gravida nec, mattis at, blandit a, ante. Maecenas fringilla magna nec augue. Pellentesque nec est.[/justify]

Simple tables

Just make a table in Notepad or a plain text editor. You know, with TABS or spaces to align items. Then paste it to AP forums, select it, and click on a button.
Animal 1	Animal 2	Other animal
dog		cat		hen
lion		snake		elephant
cat		tigress		whale
Of course, you can combine with some other codes to enhance the result...
Animal 1	Animal 2	Other animal
[hrc=grey]2[/hrc]dog		cat		hen
lion		snake		elephant
cat		tigress		whale[hrc=grey]2[/hrc]
Oh... and why don't you show/hide that table?!
Animal 1	Animal 2	Other animal
[hrc=grey]2[/hrc]dog		cat		hen
lion		snake		elephant
cat		tigress		whale[hrc=grey]2[/hrc]
We'll have other ways to make more sophisticated tables!

Subscript, Superscript, and Blink

Select text, press buttons...

Normal textsuperscript text

Normal textsubscript text
(Random blinking, and, yes, I was bored...)


An image on the web is really too large for the forums? (They can handle it but it wouldn't be pretty.) Paste the URL of the image, select it, and press a button! You get a thumbnail you can click to see the full-size picture.
Click it!

Wrap text around image

You can make text wrap around an image on the left or the right. Click a button, enter the elements, done.

Here is how it looks, combined with the JUSTIFY fnction.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla libero justo, consectetuer et, adipiscing vel, pretium vitae, mi. Donec dui. Curabitur luctus pede et arcu. Nunc eget felis ac nunc interdum congue. Integer rutrum iaculis dolor. Curabitur in nunc. Nunc dolor. In ullamcorper odio quis libero mollis dapibus. Quisque ultrices condimentum lacus. Nunc aliquet nisl in mi. Nam magna dui, posuere ac, cursus vitae, tincidunt sit amet, augue. Nullam leo. In aliquet, ante et sodales molestie, mauris lectus accumsan ante, nec consequat nisl lacus sit amet enim. Nulla facilisi. Nunc a ipsum non lorem tincidunt egestas. Praesent velit diam, imperdiet eu, imperdiet in, aliquam eget, risus. Phasellus tempus pretium dolor. Donec lacinia bibendum est. Nullam tristique pede id diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus lorem metus, tincidunt a, commodo nec, rutrum vitae, lacus. Nam urna nibh, suscipit a, elementum at, molestie sed, mi. Suspendisse cursus pharetra massa. Etiam sagittis sapien at velit. Curabitur eget nibh eu dolor bibendum adipiscing. Praesent sed sapien. Cras enim nisi, eleifend sit amet, rutrum at, faucibus quis, ante. Quisque accumsan, erat porttitor vestibulum luctus, orci tortor aliquam sapien, eget ultricies nulla lorem eu leo.

Ah... and here is the most impressive feature of all, maybe... NEXT POST!
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Post by Chrisax »

To see how an effect is created, click on the "QUOTE" button to see the text I entered with the codes. When you have your mouse over a design button above, it also displays a small example.
AP forums can now EMBED the content of other websites. And, of course, the embedded page WORKS. This also allows us to created sophisticated tables and display them on AP forums.

You can of course r-click on the site and select the command to open it in its own window.

The dimensions of the areas can be set as we want.
Important NoticeThe method used to embed web sites CANNOT protect the user from malicious web contents. Therefore we will be VERY careful and picky and we won't accept windows opened to uknown sites.

List of Abilities buffing items

Perks Planner
opened on

Ok, this table is really scary, isn't it?! But I'm sleepy and you understand the idea!

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Post by Chrisax »

To see how an effect is created, click on the "QUOTE" button to see the text I entered with the codes. When you have your mouse over a design button above, it also displays a small example.
You can even embed... AO forums when you're talking about them! Hehe.

You can also witness here the smart-resizing of this sole message. :)

Note that the above is not "hot-linking" where you link to a part of an outside page, in order to make the work of someone else yours. Here, the totality of the targeted web site is visible; it can be identified immediately, and you can open it with a simple r-click in your browser, something hot-linking of course doesn't allow. In addition, we will always clearly mention the outside site.
(In fact we technically do some hot-linking with some pictures from AO official site, in some forums, but such practices are known by Funcom, and there is not problem with them, especially as it's good for the activity in AO and the entertainment of players.)
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Post by Chrisax »

Make your comments and bugs report in these two threads :D

Comments on the new forums ... f=2&t=4174
Report new forums issues HERE ... f=2&t=4173
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Post by Chrisax »

To see how an effect is created, click on the "QUOTE" button to see the text I entered with the codes. When you have your mouse over a design button above, it also displays a small example.

Custom Thinking Smiley !

No comment. Just select text and click a button and you get it.

Not only fun, but a good way to make comments visible in guides and long posts!

  I wonder what Chrisax will add again to AP forums ?!  

EXPERTS INLINE-CSS for full control of typography

FOR EXPERTS in Cascading Style Sheets only, or at least the ones who know the basics! But learning the basics is not hard.

This function allows you to enter the full typographic settings for your texts. Click the button, place what you want in the codes.
EXPERT-CSS function allows you to use your own style by using inline CSS... if you know how CSS work.
is created by:

Code: Select all

[expert-css=width: 500px; font-family: arial,hevetica,verdana; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; color: orange; padding: 5px; background-color: blue; border-bottom: 8px solid red; border-right: 3px solid red; text-align: center;]EXPERT-CSS function allows you to use your own style by using inline CSS... if you know how CSS work.[/expert-css]
EXPERT-CSS function allows you to use your own style by using inline CSS... if you know how CSS work.
is created by:

Code: Select all

[expert-css=width: 400px; font-family: arial,hevetica,verdana; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; font-size:1.6em; color: yellow; padding: 5px; background-color: grey; border-left: 15px solid darkred; border-top: 2px solid darkred; text-align: justify; line-height:1.7em]EXPERT-CSS function allows you to use your own style by using inline CSS... if you know how CSS work.[/expert-css]

You can learn the basics here:
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Post by Hyde »

Changed topic from Global to Sticky now that time has passed so that it no longer shows at the top of every single forum.
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Post by Chrisax »

I implemented a new function for posts. You can now use the "Rainbow" button on selected text.

Code: Select all

[b][rainbow]Indeed I was[/rainbow][/b]
You cant use other codes inside the rainbow tag, or characters as ' and linebreak.
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Post by Flux »

I like this forum a lot! it's well put together and I like all the features. nice job! :D
No matter where you go, there you are...
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