How to get decent implants on your QL 5 GYMP

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How to get decent implants on your QL 5 GYMP

Post by noobas »


I saw some frooby dude in OOC today asking: how to laddering imps plz!

what? get some english boi! that aside, Here is basic guide to implanting some pretty mean imps. I'm at work so I won't go into excrutiating detail, so items won't be listed or anything, but here is your basic guide to Laddering implants.

Laddering implants is the process of equipping higher QL implants than your buffed base stats would normally allow.

1. treatment is NOT the limiting skill (at first anyway, so any armour piece that adds base stat, equip it, all other armour pieces use med suit)

2. choose a skill you want to twink, say for example agility. agility is a good one since many weapon skill imps have agi as the base stat req.

3. To get the most out of agility adding implants, you first need to buff the stat that you need to implant the agi. No problem. What is the shining agi leg base stat? Stam.

4. Ok. Lets buff stam first. Ok, so lets make a good Stam chest, while we're at it, might as well make that chest have strength too. Ok. whats the req on that chest? psychic. great!

5. Ok. lets buff psychic first. Ok, so, in reality, it all starts with a intel head... now, here is the order: this is what I call the straight ladder, as opposed to cycling, which will be explained after.

6. So, head intel, put in. put in psychic ear. put in psychic head. now, buf psychic, and put in chest and the waist stam implants. wicked! now, buff stam, and put in leg agi (stam req), the waist agi implant (stam req) and feet agi implant (agi req).

7. Ok. so by now youre starting to understand why it's called laddering. This is what I called straight laddering, it's using DIFFERENT stats, which can be buffed using different implant locations, further buffed by different base stat implants, resulting in very high base stat implants and making one base stat incredibly high for that level.

8. Cycling implants is what you do to fine tune the straight ladder. Cycling is what you do AFTER the straight ladder. It's more time consuming, but will result in a few QL's higher implants and upto 5 points higher base skill. The cycling starts with tracking down extra clusters to make your base stat buffing implant to have the same req that it buffs. Then each time a implant is removed, one a few QL's higher is put in, incrementally increasin gthat same base stat. You can do a cycle ladder after each consecutive step in the straight ladder, but you really start making life difficult by doing this.

9. Remember to use each of the different base stat buffing items for each step, it ends up multiplying if done correctly to increase the final QL of the weapon skill implant by as many as 10 QL's.

10. Finally, with the base stat buffed so high that (at level 5 should be easily triple what it is at base) implant your weapon skill implant (using of course the base stat you just buffed the hell out of as your base req)

11. go pwn omni.
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Re: How to get decent implants on your QL 5 GYMP

Post by Mophro »

Tip: when i ladder agility I always use agility implants that have agility as required stat. You can enforce that by adding the right "other" cluster.

I also do that for when i ladder complit/treatment, that way you will always only have to focus on agility.

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Re: How to get decent implants on your QL 5 GYMP

Post by noobas »

ya mop, thats what I'm talkin bout with the cycle, and ya it's extremely effective for treatment, since you can make all your treatment imps agi based.

The whole point of the straight ladder though is to get the highest base stat to start with though, so you'll have at least 2 much higher QL agi buffing implants in than if you just started without the agi buffing (stam based) leg implant

So, say you have all 24 base stats, + 12 for attribute boost, then you stick in a QL 20 psychic ear. Then a QL 15 psychic head, now youre up to 48 psychic. With 48 psychid, you can put in a lvl 30 chest buffing stam. that 30 chest will give you like I dunno, say 24 stam, so now, when you go to put in your first agi implant, you'll be up to like 58 stam. so your leg imp will be lvl 40, and your two supporting agi imps (feet and waist) wil be QL 45 for example.

Finally, with all those in, you can put on QL 65 weapon imps (based on agi)

But, if you only START with cycling, you'll only get as high as say 40, because you started the cycle without a high shining agi cluster'd base stat buffing imp to bump the agi in the first place.

The whole process relies on getting the BIGGEST shining cluster base stat buffing imp in that is based on another req, that is (in turn) buffable by another req. I put level 190 imps on my QL 60 opi advy doing it this way, which, btw, I'm goign to redo, for QL 200's
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Re: How to get decent implants on your QL 5 GYMP

Post by Adoni »

What I always do first is start with agility, so you put in stamina imps (no psychic, chest can be made stam), then you do your agility imps, then do comp lit, get better NCU for more stam buffs because I doubt your gonna have enough for behe and IC at the beginning, put your weapons on with the ncu, Put in better chest implant, then leg, then comp lit again for even higher ncu, keep doing this until max possible implant levels. The psychic step is pointless, no need to waste money doing it that way.
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Re: How to get decent implants on your QL 5 GYMP

Post by noobas »

Yea.. for sure, I agree with that. There are different ways of doing them, but definitly the best base stats to cycle/ladder in stam and agi.

The thing which is most important, though, as we both said is to ladder one, to raise the other.
The trick though is to get them lined up properly, because chest is stam shiny, leg is agi shining stam bright, then feet and waist are left to balance out the clusters.

I bet I could build a spreadsheet to find out the max possible implants (with unlimited treatment), based on cycling these implants

About the NCu: I was trying to expain the actual laddering process. But I agree the mega importance of getting NCUon first. Luckily complit or treatment imps can be agi based, (which is why I chose agi as the first stat to buff.
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