Why isn't AP in TSW & Cabal Referral

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Baby Leet
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Why isn't AP in TSW & Cabal Referral

Post by stellablu »

Hi all, I am a new TSW player who is really enjoying it so far - I used to play AO but haven't in some years.

I would love to catch AP in TSW but I read that you are not very active there - may I ask why not?

And do you have a friendly cabal full of awesome AP-like people on Cerberus in TSW that you could refer me to?

I hope to hear from you soon!

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Re: Why isn't AP in TSW & Cabal Referral

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Stellablu. :) Thank you really for you interest in AP; we appreciate a lot.

But, at the moment, our activity in TSW is extremely casual, and we mostly keep a few characters up-to-date, for support, just in case we decide to play TSW again more massively. For example, I keep my own character updated, and I'm in Tokyo beyond the quarantine wall, so the current end-game.

Most people who played AO returned to AO after playing both games for a while at TSW launch and during the first year. Others, that we met in TSW, seem to have dropped the game after about one year.

Technically, AP in TSW exists as a templar cabal but it's a structure that we maintain so we can always play TSW more sometimes. Currently we don't offer in TSW the rich family environment we have always offered in AO. We could gladly welcome you but that wouldn't be interesting for you at the moment; you would be alone way too much.

Nevertheless, if you tell us at what times you're playing TSW, I'll be happy to meet you and give you a hand with some items and information, and some help, to thank you for thinking about AP in TSW. :)
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