Looking for an org... Boogerbomb

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Baby Leet
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Looking for an org... Boogerbomb

Post by Bugbomb »

Howdy yall. Old player coming back for the time (old in personal and ingame, I remember Tir SG)
Long story short, even after this game has eaten up years of my life I came back again. Used to be in Oneness way back in the day then was a vet in Nemesis for many moons. Giving it another go looking for an active org with a bit of PVP tossed in. Too many toons to list but the big ones are Bugbomb 220/30 fix, Boogerbomb 220/30 engie and Chunkybomb 150/20? PVP sol.

Too many bank, bunk toon to list. Mostly lowbies, nothing amazing. Mostly on late evenings but can pop in for an hour or 2 when needed for runs and such. I try n help out best I can, have done most of the raids in the game (no PoH yet) can call, CC, buff machines TS and the rest. Just looking for a decent org where people are on that want to play, occasionally raid some ommlets, and just have a good time. Guess thats all. Hope to hear from yas.

Little Leet
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Re: Looking for an org...

Post by Storksofly »

welcome we spoke in game a lil yakichiro-hami, glad you applied i read in your app that you would like pvp just be warned not many people pvp in AP as ive been here for a while now and mostly pvp solo but they do the bs dailies and what not. So if you dont get upset that noone can 'help you gank an ommer beside myself' this is a great org they are friendly helpful and quite resourceful. We do raids weekly we do inf keys weekly-ish aswell db quest and all sorts of stuff welcome back ;D
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Re: Looking for an org... Boogerbomb Bugbomb

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Boogerbomb, welcome on our forums and thank you for posting as I asked you when we talked a minute in AO but couldn't go further as it was raids timee. :)

Once again, it's great to welcome an old player, and to know he thinks of AP as a new home. :)

To go further with your application, when you have a minute, please read our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations and tell us if you agree with them.

http://www.athenpaladins.org/forums/vie ... p?f=8&t=69
http://www.athenpaladins.org/forums/vie ... p?f=8&t=68

After that, your next step will be to join our guest channel on our org bot to meet and talk with us online. Any AP member can invite you to guest chat. It does not have to be an officer.
You can usually find AP members at the big Vanguards building ramp next to OA grid. If you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !invite (this is a temporary invite)
Please introduce yourself and ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

As soon as possible, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a moment to contact you. Always feel free to ask if someone is available for your interview. :)

Some of the officers you can contact for help or questions are:

Crazi / Horden / Crazidoctor / Stokken (General) GMT +1
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
Bitnykk / Enginyk / Healnyk / Kynecrat GMT +1
Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
Carequinha /Toughcrat / Toughenf / Reapermann (General) GMT -6
Boomer / Bloodstripe / Iwojima / Shelbycobra / Corvettezr1 (General) GMT -6
Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Jetson / Noobasdoc / Noobastank (General) GMT +10
Ustarlen / Bellorum / Zanda (General) GMT+12

For time zones referred to above please see:

http://www.athenpaladins.org/clocks/Clo ... _main.html

Meet you soon in AO! :)
Baby Leet
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Re: Looking for an org... Boogerbomb

Post by Bugbomb »

The rules seem can be (as I see 'em atleast) condensed down to "Help out who ya can and don't be a dick" which I agree with 100%. After a decade of AO I can only count 1 person I've ever gotten into it with and that was a duel with an agent who pulled some real shady stuff.

The pvp thing, well Chrisax knows how Nemesis used to roll. (only using him as an example because I can't remember many more OGs that still are active) You see a tower come under fire ya dropped what you were doing and went. No questions. They were in Alliance and you had a toon in range ya logged and tried even if you were cannon fodder. Can't say I won't be popping into some live sites for a kill or 3 but I won't open bases. Speaking of that, does AP have lands? What are the rules regarding attacks and such?

I went to Tara the other night and there were 3 afk ommlets upstairs and 1 in Troom. They killed em without a full team so I guess pvp is pretty much dead but I would like to get a team to kill chicken or gank a few n make em think. Killing mobs is fun and all but it dosent beat going against other players. If there is a no pvp policy, I can keep a toon or 2 out just for that. The engie could be devil at it but i'm half set for TS so it's hit or miss with her. The sol tho, strictly 150 BS and pvp or Aliums. Yalls call. Lemme know yer thoughts.
Little Leet
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Re: Looking for an org... Boogerbomb

Post by Storksofly »

like i said the guild is overall good for everything other than pvp, they work great together they do great raids they help eachother out. But again going to pvp if all you do is pvp youll have fun being by me ;p we had fun at tara today after you went to bed me and naztia wiped their full 2 teams x5 and wouldnt let them loot tara loot hahaha sinew droped on tara and one guy won roll logged his tl5 enfo to loot it i loged my tl5 agent and alphaed him before he could get to room ;p
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Re: Looking for an org... Boogerbomb

Post by Chrisax »

AP currently owns 4 lands (out of 5 possible ones), one being a top site.

PvP exploits have discouraged a lot (if not most) people due to the huge amount of those exploits over the past years and their importance.

When one person can almost take out a 250+ site (that took hours to build, not counting farming components) faster than any "honest" defender can gather and react and can single shoot you on first sight... this is not the game anymore and this is not fun.

Things are relatively fixed now but it's recent. Nevertheless, the exploit can come back (it was already fixed, and the hack was re-coded and it came back a first time).

We'll be happy to have a PvP section like in the past though.

We also have GoA, our daughter org created so it can joined and used for aliens farming and for easier PvP as GoA attacks don't open AP sites at an inappropriate moment. :cool:
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Re: Looking for an org... Boogerbomb

Post by noobas »

Bugbomb wrote:I can only count 1 person I've ever gotten into it with and that was a duel with an agent who pulled some real shady stuff.
Agents... I remember I was a single hit away from beating revanagent and in front of about 40 onlookers, all of a sudden pops tranquilizer, runs about 40 feet away, and as I'm closing the gap, blow cover runs out (which only has a 24m range on it), he swaps to his SPS (was using a level 50 peren sniper for duel on account of the -1250 rifle debuff) and gets a proper AS to win the fight.

There was no respect gained that day for him.
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Re: Looking for an org... Boogerbomb

Post by Cyreidan »

PvP was holiday a while in game, that was cause cheaters... reading application and i vouche in offcourse since pvp...

Edit. even im not played game a while...
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