Level 200. Some questions...

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Little Leet
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Level 200. Some questions...

Post by Asystole »

After 18 almost years, the NT I created in 2002 has reached level 200 last night while fighting the Mantis Queen. The first thing I noticed is my XP bar went to 0 and says there is 0/80000. The label is now in "SK", which from what I can ascertain online means "Shadow Knowledge". My first question now is, how do I get more "Shadow Knowledge?" Do I still do daily missions from the agency in Old Athens? If so, does that produce XP or SK? Does either count towards research?
I looked forward to being able to start increasing various stats with IP after reaching 200, but alas, every stat that I wanted to increase, such as Intelligence and Computer Literacy, and even Matter Creation, each said they are at their maximum for the title level. Why is this happening? Thank you in advance for whatever answers you can provide.

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Re: Level 200. Some questions...

Post by Chrisax »

Congratulations ! :happytrooper:

Now you will ONLY gain SK which indeed means Shadowknowledge.

SK can be gained in SL, and in daily missions (and that why the inside of Agency is technically in SL although it's apparently on RK: so you can get SK when you complete daily missions).

At 200, many abilities or skill may look "full". Things will change when you hit 201 and even become "bad" when you hit 205: all the IP you got so far will likely be consumed at 205. Be wise and don't waste IP.

SL gardens keys and sanctuaries keys missions give big SK. Dark Ruins instance (first solo, then open to teams) in Adonis also provides big SK.

The big quests in Adonis (for the brain symbiants among other things) and in Penumbra give some nice SK too.

"New" Inferno missions are a very common way to farm SK and Research. You need Inferno access first of course.

Farming hecklers was a popular way to get SK, but Inferno missions quite killed that.

The Dust Brigade quest (level 205 to be able to start it) will give some good SK too, as all content made specifically for 200+. The interest of the DB quest, though, is the nanodeck and the profession nanos. We organize every month at least one DB quest.

Do not forget your Exp too! Alien daily missions, APFs raids for some axp. And Lost Eden aline missions.

Feel free to ask for more info. :)
Little Leet
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Re: Level 200. Some questions...

Post by Asystole »

Thank you for responding!
Two to four agency daily missions have been enough to level up till now. Is that still the case after 200? And how does research work now? I've had three xp allocation at 100% up till now, and at the 7th-or-so research line sequence, millions of xp would be diverted to research. Is it still that way; will it take millions of SK now?
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Re: Level 200. Some questions...

Post by Chrisax »

Very approximately, you could consider that one SL level (levels above 200) isq like 5 normal levels, in terms of what it may bring to your character and in terms how how hard it will be to get. That gives you an idea.

So, daily missions remain extremely useful but you won't level up as fast as before at all. You will need to complement dailies with all the things I said, depending on your taste, your time, the teams you can get, etc.

The main source of SK (and SK for research), once you have Inferno access, will be the new Inferno missions. And that will be some SK farming.

So a good plan would be to get Inferno access as fast as possible but note that, at 200ish, outside AP or possible The Alliance, it's unlikely you find teams for Inferno new missions. At 200, Ergo will give you Penumbra portal ring for free (if you don't have it already) and all the portal rings before Penumbra the same way, including the protection gear for Adonis abyss. You just have to tell Ergo that you want to go to the next zone, and that you do not want a trial or anything.

To get access to Inferno, you will need a molar from the Ice Golem that you will give to Ergo. This is something that can be organized. Getting an Ice Golem pocket boss is a long Penumbra quest.

Also you will need the "Inferno boots" to protect you from Inferno zone DoT which is also a quest but we can lend you a pair of boots so you can do the quest for them later.

IP-wise, consider that all the IP you have saved so far will be gone at level 204 or 205.

Research-wise, unless you very badly beed a research line (shouldn't be the case), I'd say to stop doing research and focus on leveling, at least until you can start doing Inferno new missions.

Research takes a percentage of your SK gains, so, yes, if you have research set on 10% and you gain 5M SK, research will eat 500K SK etc. And high levels of research are very demanding. That's why I said you could now put research on hold for a while and focus on leveling and equipment and perks.

Now, don't forget that gaining Alien levels and perks will give you more than research, at least in general.
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