Application - Leofurtu

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Baby Leet
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Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:28 pm

Application - Leofurtu

Post by leofertu »

Hello Everyone!

Been playing AO on and off for over 10 years. I have good experince till level 160ish then my knowledge fades. I am willing to help anyone who needs it in any way i can and realise i still have lots to learn later in the game.

Looking to apply to AP as i have seen many of you around, have met a few and you are always ready to help and thats what i want to be apart of.

Main chars are;

211 - crat
172 - enf
170 - sold
107 - sold (currently working on)

Already in the org chat thanks to nanomace. Look forward to meeting you all!
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Re: Application - Leofurtu

Post by Chrisax »

Hi Leo :) As you were in guest chat we didn't reply here but please make sure to come back so we can proceed with your application. :)
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