Application - Talmahera

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Application - Talmahera

Post by Talmahera »

Hello Paladins!

I have been playing AO since 2002, and since 2004 on RK2. I have been a lot less active since 2014, only playing a few months a year.

I have just reactivated for the anniversary and I no longer agree with the current policy of my org. That's why i would like to join Athen Paladins, which is an org that has inspired and helped me for many years. Of course I have read the code of conduct and i agree with it.

My characters are :

Talmahera, Adv 220
Gallya, Engi 220
Amaruka, Enfo 220
Accalmie, Keep 220
Lemulet, Crat 220
Maheyem, NT 220
Nefertoum, Sold 220
Maherann, Adv 200
Dunann, Fixer 150
Conann, Enfo 60
Sekhator, Trader 25

I also have a Doc and a MP 220 on another account, but inactive for the moment. As well as several froobs 200 and 150.

Thank you in advance for your response, which I hope will be positive! And by the way, im French so I hope my English isn't too bad.
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Re: Application - Talmahera

Post by Chrisax »

You'll be invited at first sight ! :D

For years, during heroic times, you have been a great org leader of ACF (Alliance Clan Francophone). You and Gerbator (the original one) are a part of AO history.

We know you well. I know you even more.

I can understand why the turn ACF took during your absence upsets you.

We will be happy and proud to count you among us. :)

Welcome in AP... as soon as we catch you.

And your English has always been OK. ;)
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