Application: Ryzzax

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Baby Leet
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Application: Ryzzax

Post by Ryzzax »


So how to start this?
I've been around since 2002 or so, i think... I've played seriously till around 2008 (no-life style), then was more on and off.
All through these 21 years, I've lived through everything AO has to offer:

At first I was knows as Khrys the MA, on RK2, an omlet (heh clams were stinking at the time):
- The discovery of this very new complex game, creation of the first character, leveling, making friends.
- Then once at endgame, i started PVPing, with the old title system. sneak ganks, serious pvp, when twinking was still a challenge. Reached Expert.
- Oh and the towers, those were fun. Lots vs Lots. Zone crashes, remember? Sometimes caused by 'accidents'
- Next step was people farming titles and starting exploiting, being afraid to fight, not to lose their precious tag. Lost its authenticity.
- Then i started having some alts... a crat, a twink agent, and some more. I cant remember. Then it was enough. Needed a break.

Then after my break I was known as Bliss the Doc, still on RK2, still an omlet (clams were still stinking):
- I still liked pvp, was good at PVM, met the love of my life in the game, ended up living together (the dream right?). Well that ended after a few years.
- Was tweaking my setups, improving my skills, stuffs were added to the game, making it more and more interesting.
- I don't really remember much about this time, as i had a lot going on in RL, but overall was good :)
- Slowly people started to... leave, population decreased, you know that probably.
- Then i had enough, Needed a break.

Then after a longer time off, decided to start a new. I was know az Ryzz the Crat. The Neutral. I've grown. I've realized that omlets, clams and those in between are one people. And one people needs to stick together when extinction is on the horizon.
- A lot has happened. More hacking, less people. Some smart guy came up with the single player version of this mess, you know, the sharp part of AO.
- I made a crat, but she was lonely, so i build a whole family and we were happy together, making up for the lack of teams...
- Made new friends, in both camps. And i noticed that sometimes omlets were doing well, sometimes clams were... but at the end, clams always had the numbers. i just didn't want to accept it.
- Playing sharply with the family got boring quick. I had everything, and then some. I wanted more. There was no more.
- Then it was enough. Needed a break.

And now, I am still known as Ryzz the Crat, but ths time the clammer (got used to being stinky), a nostalgic adult, that wants to enjoy this virtual world again, remembering the good times.
- At this point in time though, there are only shades and dust where once teams were forming.
- Kinda miss the social interaction. hence writing this.

Now here I am.
The market is a mess. PVP is beyond saving...
What am I looking for? Fun stuff to do. Not alone.

I'm aware of the alliance, I am aware of who AP is, known the name since looooong ago.
Now as it stands as one of the last bastions of this virtual world, i would like to be part of it.
Me, the clammer, former omlet and neut. who would've thought?

I live in Poland. AP does stuff evening UTC. That is a good match even on Tinder. (hue hue).

What else is there? Right. Formalities. CoC? I would call it common sense. I like common sense. I agree to it, therefore i agree to the CoC as well.
Chat recommendation? Who came up with that? File it under common sense too! Obviously, I am a fan.

And lastly, i see that it is a custom to showoff with the characters you have.
Well in my case, there is nothing to show off for now. All my in-game net value was stored on a forgotten bank toon, and every single time I am rebuilding from there. Starting a new. For now i have a Crat and an NT (that i've raised from the dead, quickly, as I don't like to wait)

Ryzzax - 219 Crat.
Nanosync - 219 NT.

I also have several alts at lvl 1. Why level one? So nobody will steal the names i've worked so hard creating...
Future projects are an endgame keep and a lvl 200 killer combo, a crat and a keeper. go figure, how original.

Currently I am orgless. Looking for a home (with benefits... *wink wink*). Did i came to the right place?

Hopefully i did not bore you to death with all this, but believe it or not, its actually the first time i am trying to sum all this up.
21 years... was it a waste? I believe that every step you take leads you to this current moment in time. I like it where I am, so...

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Re: Application: Ryzzax

Post by Ustarlen »

Hi Ryz

Welcome to the AP forums and thanks for your interest in AP. 21 years on and off. We have a few like that here so nice to meet you.

Thanks for agreeing our Code of Conduct and Org chat guidelines.

Our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations can be found here for future reference:
The next step is to join our guest channel on our org bot so we can meet/team online. Any AP member can invite you to guest chat. It does not have to be an officer.
You can usually find AP members at the big Vanguards building ramp near OA grid terminal.
If you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !join
This is a temporary invite, so you'll have to do it each time you want to be on guest chat.

Once on guest chat, feel free to ask for an officer and introduce yourself, and also ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

At some point soon, after you've spent some time with us, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a moment to contact you. Always feel free to tell an officer that you are there.

Some of the officers you can contact for help with questions or concerns are:

Ustarlen / Ustar / Zanda / Bellorum GMT +12
Cheribomber / Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Scykeep / Scylence / Doctorscy / Fullautoscy / Scystab / Scyeng GMT+2
Hundjager / Twistedsistr / Hollowhusk / Ironstashe / Vaulthunter / Drzoidberg (UTC/GMT +3)
Nanomace GMT
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
Noky / Lilhoneybee GMT -7
Codebits / Codecrasher / Coderox / Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
Talmahera / Tefnet / Dunnan / Gallya GMT +2
Crataatak / Eezeh / Zanokia GMT+1
Bonniedoom / Betadoom / Amagosa / Whapperz GMT -5

GMT / UTC can be seen in-game with the F9 key.

We look forward to seeing you online :)
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