Returning player '02ish - Kilganon

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Baby Leet
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Returning player '02ish - Kilganon

Post by DoeADeeer »

I'm a returning player, this is my first MMORPG game I ever purchased. Got it at Fry's, still have the Sybex Official Strategy guide on my desk. Anyway, just started playing this game a week ago and boy much has changed. I'm still learning everything over again and have been in the Discord channel a lot and saw the post to join the org. Reading the welcome post seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. I'm a husband/father and usually play shortly thereafter the kiddo goes to sleep. I'm on for a few hours at a time 7:45pm - 12 AM, most every night so far. I live in Seattle WA so I'm in the Pacific time zone. Hope this post finds its way to where it needs to go. My in-game main character is Kilganon, side: Omni Server: Rubi-Ka, Prof: Keeper.

- Kilganon
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Re: Returning player '02ish - Kilganon

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Kilganon and welcome on our forums and welcome on RK too. :)

It's amazing to hear from someone who has the AO guide from Sybex near him! Yes, to all who can't know this, there was a book, a real book made of paper, published by Sybex who was a major figure in computer books back by the end of the last century.

That said... we have a little issue: your character is currently Omni. As a Clan org, we can't technically invite an Omni.

So if you are interested in joining us, you have to consider moving your keeper to Clans. You do NOT have to do this before your application is accepted.

At your level it's easy: get an clan application from from general stores in Borealis or Newland. You have to farm stores a bit?

Then you'll use it in a neutral place (or Omnis will kill you when you turn Clan).

You will lose any SL faction you had on the Unredeemed side. But at your lavel, you'll be able to easily reconstitute the equivalent redeemed faction.

Do you want to go that way?
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