Org chat recommendations and attitude

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Org chat recommendations and attitude

Post by Chrisax »

1. This is a game!

2. 99% of the problems are caused by misunderstandings

3. 99% of (the extremely rare) serious problems are built up on some of the misunderstandings above if they are not solved in time. Speak; open your heart! Ask an officer or friend to help.

4. We are a large and international org with people of various ages, professions, languages, origins, cultures, religions, and ways of life: what is obvious to you is not necessarily obvious to someone else; what sounds common to you may sound hurtful or offending to someone else; something that is a joke to you may be badly understood and taken… and on the other hand something that sounds offending or hurtful to you is not necessarily intended to be offending or hurtful.

5. Do not assume something is told or done/not done to harm you or someone else, as it is usually not the case

6. Remember there is a real life and people may do/not do something because of real life not because they don't want to! (Examples: your baby start screaming and you rush without typing anything first to your team; you start coughing bad and can't hit a key in time,…)

7. If someone tries to help you and fails, thank him as warmly as if he succeeds! And anyhow, never say something bitter; overlooking, or unpleasant.

8. Keep in mind nobody can see all the chat and all the chats channels all the time and you or someone else can miss the context of a line

9. If you get no answer on org chat do not assume you are ignored or excluded as there can be a thousand reasons for not getting an answer. Use our forums (often the best to do); ask at another moment; contact an officer,…

10. Avoid harsh comments on the way someone plays; we all learn our profession: help people getting better and do not bash them!

11. Nobody is above anyone else

12. Avoid repetitive comments or jokes on the same person: if you call someone gimp all the time, he may eventually start thinking he is not good or that you are bashing him/her

13. Do not say/do something out of anger or boredom; have a little break and cool down

14. If you feel uncomfortable with something, if you have a dispute, if you have been hurt by someone, first calm down and then talk to this person or, often better, CONTACT AN OFFICER OF THE ORGANIZATION to handle the situation and to organize a peaceful chat. DON'T LET THINGS ROT! Don't let hard feelings stack up.

15. And, as always, respect others as you would like to be respected yourself. :)

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