>> Introduction Thread! <<

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>> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Myrthe »

Hai guys!

I haven't found any introduction threads on the forum, for new players and/or old ones who need an update. :-)

Since I am very new in AP... I'll start off with my introduction!

My name is Myrthe, I'm from the Netherlands. Living together with my boyfriend and our monster(dog).
I've always loved gaming, shooters, puzzle games, MMO's.. Played all sorts of games. Been playing WoW for waaaay too long. Raided endgame pretty hardcore.. I am so happy I am not attached to that game anymore. Tried Aion, it sucked. Tera was pretty bad also, although I loved the character models. Rift I tried too, there are some good things in Rift, but I resubbed for one month pretty recently, and I found myself playing alone much of the time, and well.. I hate playing alone.

My favourite games are the Tomb Raider ones, so yeah I cannot wait for the newest one in 2013! I've also recently started to play Far Cry 3, and I resubbed my Secret World account. Plenty of stuff to do!

I used to be in another cabal, but unfortunately it was totally dead when I logged in.. So I poked my friend Fishy to see where he went to.. And that's how I ended up here :-)

My first spec in SW was Ele/Shotgun. Really wanted the Magus uniform so bad. Ended up having the Blaze spec, combined with some shotgun finishers and group buffs like Short Fuse and Breaching Shot. I was mainly focussing on penetration gear.

Right now I felt like doing something else. Already obtained the Magus set so that 'goal' is finished.
I am working towards a nice Chaos/Fist setup. Gotta admit I picked a build from the official forums, and once I got all of it I will tune it to my own likings.
It's pretty fun so far, don't know exactly what gear I should aim for but well i'll test stuff out and see where that takes me. :)

Currently started in the first bit of Transylvania. So that's all new for me still. Geared mostly in QL10 greens, couple of blues and I have one epic.

Well hopefully this shows a bit what I am like as a person, and what I love doing the most! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.. I'll post some picture of the monster here, to add some cuteness to this post.

Looking forward to the other posts!

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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Myrthe and welcome to AP :D

We talked about you already last night when ThingFish and Elrojo told us you joined.

You are further in the game than thye could tell us though.

So, thank you for your big and nice introduction. :)

We are a very old guild ("organization") created 10 years ago in Anarchy Online where we still are, and we are one of the biggest (if not the biggest) organization.

We help and support each other and welcome various playing styles.

Now, to say the truth, as most cabals, we have been hit by the sudden global population drop of TSW, but we are not giving up and we started to rebuild: the night before you joined, for example, another new member, Hannd, joined too. Still, it will take a moment before we get back to the numbers online we had 3 months ago.

But our friendship and support is the same: strong and and permanent.

At what times do you play?

Have you done all regular dungeons already? And what about Elites?

That's just questions to know how we can all help you and play with you.

Please check our cabal bank in London, and ask for any itmes you could need. (Don't forget there are two pages if you use the normal GUI). We also keep items on separate characters, as it's not possible to increase cabals banks, so, always ask.

Do you have QL 10 blue gadgets? We can make them for you.

What is your home dimension? (It would be great if your dimension shared Fusang with Cerberus.)

That's a lot of questions... I hope we can meet online soon! :D

Welcome again! =D>
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Crash »

Welcome, Myrthe! Very nice post. =D>

You're about where I am on the story quest so I look forward to exploring with you. I'm more of a PvPer atm, but we're reaching the point where a push towards higher dungeons is within sight.

Please don't be shy about asking for (or accepting) help, k? It's who we are as Paladins.

See you soon!

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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Bredin »

It was great to meet you in-game Myrthe, welcome again to AP! Like ohters said, don't hesitate to let us know if we can help you!

About me: I live in the central US time zone (St. Louis, MO). I'm online almost every night between from about GMT 2AM to GM 5AM or 6AM. I have a DPS build for doing solo / small group questing but have most of my gear invested in a healing deck.
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Crash »

Oops. I'm the same time zone as Bredin. Mostly same play times, but a bit earlier most nights. I also have a rotating schedule, so I have random days off that I can play heavily.

I'm AR/Elem glass cannon type. I've hardly theory crafted at all. I'm a one trick pony with passives that help dmg, crit, hit, & pen. No hinder, impair, etc here. All about DD, tho prolly not very good compared to smarter players. (good enough for me, tho)

Once I get my set to full 10.4, I'll branch out more. 14 more upgrades & my talis will be ready for the 10.5 Nightmare grind. Until then, I just like doing damage. Preferably to Lumies.
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by noobas »

Hi Myrthe

I use a fist/chaos spec but the deck I got was just the one that you click and it preloads.

Can you tell me where you foudn the other one? is it any better?


noobas (truuk)
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Myrthe »

Wow so many replies! Appreciate it and I feel welcomed very much by all of you!!

I've done Polaris(Normal), Hell Raised(Normal), The Darkness War(Normal), and Ankh Elite! That's about it.. I love doing dungeons though!! It's one of the things I enjoy the most.

Playing times kind of depends, right now I have holidays but planned some stuff with friends so I cannot be online as much as I would want to. RL always goes first with me. But I usually am online during the evenings, my timezone is GMT+1.
QL blue gadgets.. Good question! I don't think I have any! I'll check later today when I have time to play :)

My home dimension is Leviathan.. So unfortunately we cannot group up for Fusang.. I like Fusang, and it's great to do it with your cabal. Maybe in the future when one of us transfers to another dimension? :-))

Thanks again Chrisax! We'll meet up in game soon!

Thank you so much, would be fun to do some stuff together indeed! Must admit that all (story)missions are things that I do with my boyfriend, but he's never been a fan of doing dungeons so we should totally do that sometime! Especially when I am ready for most higher dungeons as well!

Thank you and I will not be shy asking for any help. As long as you all ask for it too when I can help you guys out!!

@Bredin, Likewise! and thank you!
So if we need some awesome healing we can ask you! Always good to know! I've always played healing classes in any other game but in TSW I haven't tried a lot of healing yet. Tried Blood and I've got some minor healing in my Chaos/Fist build right now.. Kinda need it in Transyl. :) Perhaps you can help me out some time for a nice fun healing build!

Hi there, ah I see. Yeah most decks are ok ish but they often lack important things to make a build really shine. I am not really good at theorycrafting myself, so I often look up builds that are pretty strong and then make it my own kind of, my own prefered play style. The one I am building right now is this one:

Run Rampant
Four Horsemen
One Two
Smoke and Mirrors
Surgical Steel or Cauterize
Turn the Tables
Domino Effect unless you have Impair resistant mobs, then I would use Gore.
Auxiliary: Chainsaw- Diamond Grit (amazing for solo)

12 Gouge (REALLY need this, debuffs enemy attack 30%)
Immortal Spirit/Healing Sparks
Follow Through
Energy Burst
From the Abyss (solid consistent AoE)

I would suggest mostly DPS gear with one or 2 tank pieces until you get comfortable enough to solo with less. 1 heal piece won't likely make a life saving difference so I would take away from your DPS too much. Turn the Tables doesn't use Heal Rating to determine heal so you can use that. Four Horsemen will rip everything apart if you have the attack power for it.

I still need to get the elite, From the Abyss.. Just need a couple of more AP to get it. And then I lack the Smoke and Mirrors I think.. I got one for the inner wheels for now to reduce incoming damage.
I don't know if the build is perfect once it's done, I'll let you know ok? :)

See you soon!
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Chrisax »

Ok, Myrthe, si we'll take you to normal dungeons first, as it's much easier to discover them in normal mode before entering as Elite. (Anyhow some are only Elite.)

Gadgets, don't worry, we have all you need to make some for you. We'll give you the items and the recipes, as the result is nodrop: you have to make them yourself.

Also, as you have QL10 items, it's time to join our signets farming parties, which also provides decent AP; you'll see, it's fun to pull 30ish nightmare mobs and kill them all at once! :twisted:

I'll re-read your build now and see what we can have for you and figure out the best plans.
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Myrthe »

I was in one of those signet farm groups before, good AP indeed!!

And yeah normal dungeons first sounds good. Ankh elite was okey though, I didn't die a single time! Last boss was fun <3

So yesterday.. Again I had no time to play in the evening.. Hopefully I will today.. :)
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Chrisax »

OK Myrthe, also I'll send you by mail the components to make some first gadgets, and then we'll see. I'll post explanations of course.

Hope we can meet soon. :)
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Myrthe »

Chrisax wrote:OK Myrthe, also I'll send you by mail the components to make some first gadgets, and then we'll see. I'll post explanations of course.

Hope we can meet soon. :)
Thanks again for that :) We (Netra and I) managed to make 2 gadgets for ourselves! I made the Penetration one and the Crit one :) I don't know which two Netra made.

Can't wait till the servers are up! Very close to getting another deck outfit:)
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Chrisax »

Well done Myrthe and Netra! =D>

We'll see what your third gadget will be...
Maybe a kickback one like, for example,
"each time I penetrate, I have a high chance to crit" (center one on the picture: the "T"-like shape in the pattern is the "trigger", here the penetration runes; the "U" shape is the effect)

(Note for the readers: The runes must be PURE ones; you see sacred ones on this picture because I used the disassemble function to visualize the components, and disassemble lowers the original quality.)

See you online soon! :)
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Myrthe »

Yeah, something like that will be good to have, too.
Thanks for the explanation nonetheless, although we always figure stuff out very quick together.

Just have to wait to get some more pure runes, used most of them with the other 2 gadgets!
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Chrisax »

We have runes in cabal bank (and on alternate characters as the bank is too small and can't be extended). What ones do you need? :)
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Re: >> Introduction Thread! <<

Post by Elrojo »

seriously, just download the mod for crafting. The UI is super easy then. You just click the options. If you want to make a HP glyph you just chose, glyph, then Tank then the QL and the colour. It then automatically pulls the items from your inventory and places them in the window.
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