AR/Ele DPS Gatekeeper

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AR/Ele DPS Gatekeeper

Post by Elrojo »

Hai guys,

Lotsa ppl said that heal or tank is easier, but tbh i found this DPS mode easy enough. Though i was overgeared for it for sure

Fire at will
Magnetic wipe (purge)
Slow the advance
(rest didnt use but turn the tables may be handy for the odd small hit)

Dark Potency
Elemental Precision
Eagle eye
Twist the knife
fatal flourish (activated when i used the chainsaw)

Phase 1
You must DPS, but you need to do it fast enough to avoid the "too slow" instakill. Also need to avoid the circles. Inside is instakill, but touch the tip and you get a small hit. I realised that you can easily over shoot your mark when using dodge. So I decided to stay back as much as possible and then move forward when circles appear. You seem to move forward faster than backwards. Also its easier to DPS. So plan your movements. Move to just a touch past the last circle and then move again etc. But you gotta always think ahead or you get trapped.

Phase 2

He alternates between auras and a 1-shot kill. So use a purge when he starts raising his arms and getting red/black flame around him. You have approx 3 secs, so DONOT put your consumer of your purge in your DPS rotation. In this stage afaik there is no "too slow". So i rotated the builder and used a consumer of my AR and only used my Ele consumer when purge was needed. This is easist phase for sure.

Phase 3

He casts a little minion that will 1-shot you if you are close. SO use a hinder, i used slow the advance. Target while he casts then he pops. Hnder and DPS and move to the outside. Once hinder is up its easiest to just strafe/run the biggest circle you can. TBH it was more than enough to stay ahead of the guy. You run speed when gong fwd + turning to keep LOS is easily enough. After a bit the guy de-spawns and leaves a circle on the ground. Up pops a new dude. Just rinse and repeat. I did horrble DD at this stage, so there is no timer. Just keep spamming DPS and running.

Range seems to be easier as you can keep away from the GK
Keep it simple. Use 3-4 MAX ablities. Dont try fancy combos etc or you just lose your head, watching counters, moving, planning paths..... = dead
Practice. It took me 7ish attempts to work out how to plan my paths in the 1st phase. Then about 2-3 to get my purge rotataion right, then 3-4 trying to kite the gremlins. BUT think if i had have retreated on the 10th try I'd have to get my muscle memory re-organised. So stick with it until the end.
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Re: AR/Ele DPS Gatekeeper

Post by Lasarina »

Good job Rojo :)
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Re: AR/Ele DPS Gatekeeper

Post by Chrisax »

Thanks Rojo. :)

Maybe we are going to create a general Gatekeeper tactics thread BYW.
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Re: AR/Ele DPS Gatekeeper

Post by Bredin »

Ty for the guide and grats!
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Re: AR/Ele DPS Gatekeeper

Post by Suicyder »

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