Dungeons, Airport, and PvP for new AP members

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Dungeons, Airport, and PvP for new AP members

Post by Chrisax »

We are always running activities for new members to help them learn and progress, get equipment, discover TSW and train themselves. :D

Feel free to say what you'd like and we'll do it!

But please keep in mind we have to organize a little so we have the right persons for harder challenges (heals, tank,...) to help and don't do three times the same dungeon in a row for three different members. :wink:

And remember: this is NOT about getting your work done by someone else, or leeching :) It's about learning and progressing: you'll also need to later do dungeons without help from highly-geared AP's, and practice.
We'll do for you:

- Normal dungeons: starting with Polaris, come get blue items, discover and learn the dungeons
(One highly geared AP is enough to help with Polaris and Hell Raised; then it progressively requires more support people)

- Elite dungeons: QL10 blues for you... we'll take you there even if your gear is not yet great, to help you practice, learn, and get equipment: that's the way AP works.

- Airport farming: it's easy with us, learn how to move as a team and coordinate, get QL10 items, lots of signets, some blues, lots of XP (good time to use XP items)

- Nightmare: Nightmare dungeons lock you out so it can be a bit difficult to gather the "ideal" teams to do them, and they also required more time. That's why it's better to plan them a bit ahead of time. :)

- PvP Fusang: we can make you discover PvP in Fusang; it's the easiest place to learn and start getting marks early so you can buy QL10 purples later when you are able to use it

- PvP Eldorado: as there are less players involved, you're not "one among many others" so it's necessary to be better geared and have learned a bit already about PvP. We will nevertheless make you discover El Dorado early.

- PvP Stonehenge: it's fast and furious, with only one team of each faction, violent, and without high gear, you're just a punching ball and a good way for highly geared people and pre-made teams to get marks fast. Even highly-geared PvPers don't necessarily like it. But we'll show you and you'll decide! And we can also work on pre-made AP teams. :twisted:

- Help with missions and in general with the world and challenges: of course! :)

Please remember its is extremely easy to miss something asked by a cabalmate in TSW. This is not intended but it happens a lot. Don't be sad or upset; ask again later, post on forums, you'll find help in the end.
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