Windows 10 invisible Hard disk and AHCI drivers madness

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Windows 10 invisible Hard disk and AHCI drivers madness

Post by Chrisax »

I'll say it calmly...
May 666,666 hungry locusts devour
Microsoft's drivers-in-charge people !

So, as I said in another thread, I had to go for a fresh install of Windows due to a stupid mistake that was entirety my responsibility.

So, I reinstalled from scratch Windows 10. and all should have been fine....

Except that I suddenly realized... that I had lost a SSD in the process... damn... losing one 512MB SSD is annoying. Only my system SSD was there, and my traditional HD.

The disk showed in the BIOS, but no way to make Windows 10 recognize it.

I tried the Disk Management console, the device manager, I suspected a problem with AHCI divers after a moment.

The AHCI drivers takes charge, on most motherboards now with Intek chipsets, of fast storage SATA devices. It''s a part of what Intelk calls RST, Rapid Storage Technology. My two SSD's use AHCI.

So I made Windows search for an update and Win replied that I had the last best version of the AHCI drivers.

Really? After two hours of searching, I figured out that the AHCI drivers supplied with Windows 10 are not recent. The are the most recent from MS. But not from Intel.

Intel has released several new versions of some software components... except that Intel doesn't call them AHCI-something Or RST-something but keeps them packaged in
"Intel(R) Driver Update Utility 2.6"
so they are easier to find, uh, right?! :)

So I downloaded the utility, ran it, rebooted... and the disks were all there.

Bottom line, if Windows (10 or another) can't reconize AHCI disks, just do there, get the utility and run it. It should fix it. ... te-Utility

Oh, and why was it working on my previous install? I guess I had something from Intel updating drivers in the background but I forgot about it. I'll have to figure out what it was and possibly (?) install it.

After that happy hour(s) I of course immediately performed all the necessary settings to make Win10 shut up and remain discreet about what you are doing with your computer.

And now I'm reinstalling software.
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Re: Windows 10 invisible Hard disk and AHCI drivers madness

Post by bitnykk »

So much fun !
Sometimes begin by installing a nux with grub can save a LOT of time.
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