Application - Footyfix

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Baby Leet
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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:01 pm

Application - Footyfix

Post by Footyfix »

Hi AP,

Character Name: Footyfix
200 Froob Fixer

I was a late bloomer in AO, really only started playing actively in 2015. Though I bought the Shadowlands expansion at launch, my first MMO love ended up being FFXI. But AO never left my mind, and I made it a point to return and experience the game. So I spent a few years with paid chars, but I've tired of the rat race of inferno through PoH. And have decided to retire to Rubi-Ka! I suppose with age I've discovered I much prefer building and optimizing froob characters. Since I missed out on the glory days of AO - Rubi Ka coincidentally is far more of a mystery to me having spent so much time in Shadowlands and APFs and such.

Why do I want to join AP? I play classic MMOs because I enjoy community and playing with others - quite simple. AP is well run and organized. So I am looking forward to taking it easy, and to join any Rubi-Ka group content I can.

When do I play: Regularly in the evenings 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM on weekdays (CST) and then mornings and early afternoon on weekends. Sometimes earlier in the day if work allows.

Thank you for your consideration! :)
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Re: Application - Footyfix

Post by Chrisax »

Hi Footyfix :) Welcome on our forums.

So, that's interesting... Playing on Rubi-Ka in our original world (at least geographically) and working on optimizing "RK" characters or froobs.

We have some members enjoying this as well. And we totally understand and appreciate it. There is definitely a spot in AP for such players.

This limits raiding of course but we have Mercenaries raids, Hollow island, Inner Sanctum regularly and we often have people in The Reck or "old" dungeons. :)

So, your next step for your application is now to read our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations that you can find there and tell us if you agree with them:
The second step will be to join our guest channel on our org bot so we can meet online. Any AP member can invite you to guest chat. It does not have to be an officer.

You can usually find AP members at the big Vanguards building ramp near OA grid terminal.
If you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !join
This is a temporary invite, so you'll have to do it each time you want to be on guest chat.

Once on guest chat, feel free to ask for an officer and introduce yourself, and also ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

At some point soon, after you've spent some time with us, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a moment to contact you. Always feel free to tell an officer that you are there.

Some of the officers you can contact for help with questions or concerns are:

Suffugio / Contritum (aka "Fuze") GMT-5
Whattawap / Sirwappy GMT-5
Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
Proeliis / Crazi / Crazidoctor / Epok / Hornblower / Stokken (General) GMT +1
Cheribomber / Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Bonniedoom / Betadoom / Amagosa / Whapperz (General) GMT -5
Falcondoct/ Falconcrat /Falconsold / Falconenf GMT -5
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
Bitnykk / Enginyk / Healnyk / Kynecrat GMT +2
Carequinha /Toughcrat / Toughenf / Reapermann (General) (in memoriam beloved Paladin and Officer)

For time zones referred to above please see: ... _main.html

Let's meet you on RK precisely soon! :)
Baby Leet
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:01 pm

Re: Application - Footyfix

Post by Footyfix »

So, your next step for your application is now to read our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations that you can find there and tell us if you agree with them:
Read, understood, and agree! Thanks for the warm welcome :D
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