Huge Raffle Tonight! 9pm-10:30pm UTC

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Maxi Leet
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Huge Raffle Tonight! 9pm-10:30pm UTC

Post by Nanomace »

I've put a few bags together for a raffle session today 9pm-10:30pm UTC.

1.5h non stop giveaways.

All items to be traded at vanguards.
All credits will be mailed immediately.

Combined total value of raffle will be in excess of 100b.

All can add. Winners can add again.

Don't miss out!
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Re: Huge Raffle Tonight! 9pm-10:30pm UTC

Post by Chrisax »


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Maxi Leet
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Re: Huge Raffle Tonight! 9pm-10:30pm UTC

Post by Nanomace »

Congratulations winners! Hard to say if we got to 100b give away as raffle concluded at 10:30pm UTC (simply not enough time!). Be sure to look out for the next raffle where I will attempt again to hit the 100b giveaway mark! (will try give a little more notice next time)
Sybildawn has won the raffle for 999799999 creds (will be mailed to winner).
Hyperausu has won the raffle for 999799999 creds (will be mailed to winner).
Madeonline has won the raffle for Infused Ancient Nano Enhancer.
Madeonline has won the raffle for Nippy John Stiletto.
Werev001 has won the raffle for Infused Ancient Defender.
Leofurenf has won the raffle for Dynamic Gas Redistribution Valves.
Peticel has won the raffle for 999799999 creds (will be mailed to winner).
Coness has won the raffle for Dustbrigade Operative Chestpiece.
Werekeep has won the raffle for Alien Matrix Alpha Box.
Scykeep has won the raffle for Ancients Skills Library.
Hyperausu has won the raffle for Sealed Bazzit's Alien Library.
Leofurenf has won the raffle for Infused Ancient Nano Enhancer.
Werekeep has won the raffle for Complete Crystalised Memories.
Coness has won the raffle for 999799999 creds (will be mailed to winner).
Leofurenf has won the raffle for Token Package: 2000.
Coness has won the raffle for Infused Ancient Defender.
Unfix has won the raffle for Wrapped Premium Health and Nano Recharger.
Humblehami has won the raffle for Energy Redistribution Unit.
Sybildawn has won the raffle for Masterpiece Ancient Combat Tuner.
Hyperausu has won the raffle for Dustbrigade Operative Sleeves.
Hyperausu has won the raffle for Hold Hell at Bay.
Werekeep has won the raffle for Masterpiece Ancient Bracer (1250cl combine req).
Coness has won the raffle for Alien Matrix Alpha Box & Alien Matrix Beta Box.
Plushovich has won the raffle for Dynamic Gas Redistribution Valves & Visible Light Remodulation Device.
Leofurenf has won the raffle for Infused Ancient Nano Enhancer & Infused Ancient Defender.
Leofurenf has won the raffle for Dustbrigade Operative Legwear & Dustbrigade Operative Boots.
Hyperausu has won the raffle for Complete Crystalised Memories / Dustbrigade Operative Gloves / Infused Ancient Defender.
Coness has won the raffle for Infused Ancient Nano Enhancer / Ancients Skills Library / Dustbrigade Operative Sleeves / Lava Protection Boots and Skin Galvanizer.
Megatroll has won the raffle for Infused Ancient Defender / Infused Ancient Nano Enhancer / Nippy John Stiletto / Token Package: 2000.
Leroymagnus has won the raffle for 4,998,999,995 creds (will mail them) - LAST RAFFLE FOR TONIGHT!.
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Re: Huge Raffle Tonight! 9pm-10:30pm UTC

Post by Chrisax »

Grats all and thanks Mace :D

Suggestion maybe, for next time, announce it a few days ahead or something. :)
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