Application: Lylias

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Baby Leet
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Application: Lylias

Post by Lylias »


I played AO for over 5 years way back around 2000, pretty close after it came out. It was my second life for years. I stopped playing for quite awhile after my husband & I moved and then had our son, so there really wasn't much time to play, but I still thought about it and a few months ago I created a new account.

I was bummed that my old chars weren't available, but I have made a couple of new ones. I am just doing a free account right now, and I only play a few days a week for only about an hour or so at a time, just due to everything else that needs attention in real life, but when I am online I would love to feel like I am not the only one playing.
Old Athen is such a ghost town & when I first started playing again, it was really sad to see how few people were online.

I did join an org, but less and less people were online when I logged in, and the last few times, I have been the only one. It is a pretty small org, and I would like something a little bigger. After logging in yesterday and being the only one online yet again, I left the org.
I checked out the forums, via the link on the login screen, and saw that AP is taking applications, so here I am.

I only have Clan chars:
Lylias, level 84 MA
Llynia, level 17 Adv

My MA is what I usually play.

When I am online, it's usually anywhere between 6pm-9pm Pacific Standard Time.

I have done the subway, ToTW, tried Foremans but it's hard to take on Tri-Plumbo solo... mostly I have just done missions, and then looked up the various Dyna camps and traveled around alot.
I just play for fun, I am not looking to learn every profession inside and out and all the different ways to twink chars, but I do want to be able to hold my own and help out in teams if asked. I did have the AI expansion before I stopped playing, but I never really got into that. I also don't PvP at all. So I guess you could say I am kind of a boring player, lol.

Sorry for the novel, just wanted to give you the most accurate picture of what my situation is.

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Re: Application: Lylias

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Lylias and, sorry, I don't know why I didn't see your post before.

Welcome back in AO. Why are your old characters or account not available. This would be very unusual. We have regularly people coming back from more than 12 years years ago and they still have their account (accounts are never deleted) and characters (on a paid account, the worse that can happen is that the characters lost their names; on free accounts characters under level 5ish may be deleted).

Are you unable to log on your old account? Or something else? It may happen sometimes that some accounts, usually very old ones, are "archived" and require an intervention by FC's Support to be reactivated.

Tell us, so we can give you maybe some directions to get your account back. :)

Regarding your gameplay, we welcome all kinds of them, as long as the player is a good fellow and member, and wants to learn and progress. If you went solo deep in Foreman's office, the old-school way, you likely meet some of the criteria. :)

Now, to be honest, your online time is a bit tough regarding population in AO. It's not our most populated time either in the org but we have members around and in your time zone, and some of our raids (at higher levels) are probably available to you, especially during weekends.

Now, about the next step of your application, please take a minute to read our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations that you can find there and tell us if you agree with them:
The second next step will be to join our guest channel on our org bot so we can meet online. Any AP member can invite you to guest chat. It does not have to be an officer.

You can usually find AP members at the big Vanguards building ramp near OA grid terminal.
If you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !join
This is a temporary invite, so you'll have to do it each time you want to be on guest chat.

Once on guest chat, feel free to ask for an officer and introduce yourself, and also ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

At some point soon, after you've spent some time with us, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a moment to contact you. Always feel free to tell an officer that you are there.

Some of the officers you can contact for help with questions or concerns are:

Suffugio / Contritum (aka "Fuze") GMT-5
Nanomace / Macer36 / Macenforce / Agentmace GMT+2
Namisan / Vandraren / Nosophobia / Drnotorious GMT+2
Whattawap / Sirwappy GMT-5
Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
Proeliis / Crazi / Crazidoctor / Epok / Hornblower / Stokken (General) GMT +1
Cheribomber / Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Bonniedoom / Betadoom / Amagosa / Whapperz (General) GMT -5
Falcondoct/ Falconcrat /Falconsold / Falconenf GMT -5
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
Bitnykk / Enginyk / Healnyk / Kynecrat GMT +2
Carequinha /Toughcrat / Toughenf / Reapermann (General) (in memoriam beloved Paladin and Officer)

Let's meet soon on RK! :)
Baby Leet
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Re: Application: Lylias

Post by Lylias »

Hi Chrisax,

No worries, your reply was actually faster than I expected.

I am pretty sure my other account is gone because when I search for my previous characters names, it shows totally different characters. I honestly can’t remember which dimension/planet I was on. It’s ok though, I am fine with what I have now. Thanks for the offer to help, though.

Yes I do agree to the code of conduct and chat recommendations. Sorry, I read those yesterday but I think I forgot to add that in to my application that I agree to them.

Thanks for the info on when the busier times are for AP. I do have more time on the weekends to play during the day, so I think it will be ok.

I will try to log in tonight to join the guest chat and say hi. :)
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Re: Application: Lylias

Post by Chrisax »

Lylias wrote: I am pretty sure my other account is gone because when I search for my previous characters names, it shows totally different characters. I honestly can’t remember which dimension/planet I was on. It’s ok though, I am fine with what I have now. Thanks for the offer to help, though.
Precisely, no! :)

AP maintains archives of characters since almost the beginning of AO, on RK1 and RK2 now on RK5, so if you tell us what the names of your characters were, we can likely find on which server they were. This would make reclaiming your old account easier.

What happened is probably that your account being inactive, FC got the names back to make them avaiable again and that your characters are now names something like R1234567890.

If you have that info and if you can gather as much info as you can about your old account, FC will likely reactivate it for you. For example your real name, the old names of your characters, you address, maybe your credit card (or something similar) used to pay, etc.

We can explain the process to you if you want to go that way. Your paid account should now have access to all expansions. That said, it might also be simpler to just make your current account paid sometimes. It depends if your old characters are interesting or not to get back.
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