Beware of Pearljam1282, He is Scammer!

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Beware of Pearljam1282, He is Scammer!

Post by Choobster »

Pearljam1282 is a level 220/19 Opifex Martial Artist, Clan :: Details

Yesterday "23rd December, 2010" I used Neutnet to spam "WTB Fly Catcher's Specs".. and immediately I got a reply from Pearljam1282.. and our chat was as follows..

[Pearljam1282]: hello
To [Pearljam1282]: hello
[Pearljam1282]: u still want Fly Catcher?
To [Pearljam1282]: yep.
[Pearljam1282]: it in looting already
[Pearljam1282]: say ur price
To [Pearljam1282]: 200m
[Pearljam1282]: no ty
[Pearljam1282]: its 500m

To [Pearljam1282]: ur price?
To [Pearljam1282]: Oo, dont have that much. sry..

[Pearljam1282]: 400 for u
To [Pearljam1282]: i know a guy who can farm it for 200m prolly in coming week
[Pearljam1282]: 300m if u want k or ?
To [Pearljam1282]: 250 and deal?
[Pearljam1282]: ok bor grid
To [Pearljam1282]: omw
[Pearljam1282]: u will got worp
To [Pearljam1282]: can i survive there 150 solja
[Pearljam1282]: its ok
[Pearljam1282]: 250mil?

To [Pearljam1282]: i pay only after i loot.
[Pearljam1282]: how ?
[Pearljam1282]: pay to loot
[Pearljam1282]: u will got warp now after u pay mate

To [Pearljam1282]: nvm then. i only pay after i get the loot. if its ok with you we can proceed
[Pearljam1282]: 150m now and after loot 100mi
[Pearljam1282]: what u say
[Pearljam1282]: that awesome.

To [Pearljam1282]: nope.
To [Pearljam1282]: i pay after the loot. full 250m

[Pearljam1282]: oki gunna to log my alts to loot it . take ur time
To [Pearljam1282]: gl
[Pearljam1282]: kosomak

.... After few mins...

To [Pearljam1282]: ur prolly a nigerian scam i think :p
[Pearljam1282]: are u joking or what.....
To [Pearljam1282]: thats how loot rights works
To [Pearljam1282]: you pay only after u get the loot. if you do not trust the buyer.. fine. np

[Pearljam1282]: im told u
[Pearljam1282]: 150 and after loot 100 the deall

To [Pearljam1282]: nope. 250 after the loot.
[Pearljam1282]: 100 and after 150
[Pearljam1282]: deal ro .
[Pearljam1282]: or*

To [Pearljam1282]: 250 after the loot. you can rely on a member of athen paladin. if not its okay. nvm then.
[Pearljam1282]: nvm.

---- Eventually I went to see in HI whether there was any "REAL" raid going on or not. I went to Jobe Platform>> Jobe Plaza and Jumped off from there... and as i suspected there was no raid going.---

To [Pearljam1282]: lol scammer. there isint a HI raig going on
[Pearljam1282]: f**k?
To [Pearljam1282]: you and ur mom:P
To [pearljam1282]: welcome to my ignore list

I request to Senior members of DeltaSquad that if you are really serious about your Org's image. They will take necessary steps against him.

I did not get duped by him. And warning other members whoever read this to be beware of such scammers.
Last edited by Choobster on Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beware of Pearljam1282, He is Scammer!

Post by Grind42 »

Thx Razor, always good to know when toons are trying to be deceitful. Fly Catchers are not generally sold immediately through Neutnets you would send a Neutnet & get a tell from someone able to do the raid & then join them late in the raid. Thats how it generally works, unless the farmers do the raid & dont have a looter they will send WTS posts.

Take care & GL with specs.
If u are not in a rush I may be able to sqeeze in a HI raid for you, just very busy in RL atm.
If its not broken, Your not trying hard enough!!

Damage Clan
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Re: Beware of Pearljam1282, He is Scammer!

Post by Choobster »

I talked to DSQ member and they banned that account of Pearljam1282 :)

(20:19) Punchline: that account is banned now you dont need to worry about that
(20:19) Doobster: wel just thought i should bring to your notice so i did
(20:19) Cutiecakes: scammer that guy was got ahold of legit members account
(20:19) Cutiecakes: pls let AP guys know
(20:20) Cutiecakes: that account hasd been banned
(20:20) Cutiecakes: and not a reflection of DS
(20:20) Doobster: oh ok. then i'll change my post and remove DSQ name from it and post this chat on the same thread.
(20:20) Cutiecakes: ok ty doob, i'll deal with jilted
(20:20) Doobster: thank you sir
(20:20) Doobster: and belive me, i dont like to gank clans :)
(20:21) Punchline: awww i wanted to kill something :(
(20:21) Doobster: :)
(20:21) Doobster: sry abt that :)
(20:21) Punchline: well plips will handle jilted :P
(20:21) Punchline: cya
(20:21) Doobster: cya :)

Thank you DSQ :)
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