Application from Fees / Joefrazier

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Baby Leet
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Application from Fees / Joefrazier

Post by fees »

Hi AP,

My name is Fees, i'm a longtime AO vet returning to the game (i've bought 6 months gametime this week hurrah!). I think i started this game when the reclaim terminal still had all your stuff when you died, i can't really remember when this was but it's been a long time...

Quite some years ago I quit and ragedeleted all my 220s to make sure i would never be tempted to come back, which i hugely regret now since here i am again:D

As for my history, i've been in 3 orgs (i usually bring all my toons in 1 org, which i am planning to do as well now if i get accepted for AP): rubi ka bounty hunters, Mercury Dragons and one more which name i've forgotten. Currently my main has been in an org for 2 weeks but it's not active enough for my taste, so that's why i'm asking here. That's about it, i suppose

Oh perhaps why AP? I've been around long and have seen many orgs come and go, but AP sticks around it seems, which means you must be doing something :P

My timezone is GMT+1 and i've read, fully understand and agree with your code of conduct.
currently my toons are:

Paid (only one paid so far, i'm thinking of transferring at least one or two toons)
Joefrazier 101/10/28 MA

Fees 200 MA
Engifees 148 Engi
Epiclyfailed 123 NT
Traderfees 143 Trader
Fattyfees 25 Enfo sub twink
Kenishii-1 101 Advy
Certysis 98 sol
Buffees 128 MP
Fixerfees-1 10 fixer idk what to do with yet
Eddybaby 10 enfo idk what to do with yet

Looking forward to hearing back from you guys,
see you on RK
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Re: Application from Fees / Joefrazier

Post by Bellatrix »

Hello Fees and welcome to our forums.

Now that you have registered here, and have read our CoC and chat rules, you can now try and send a tell to one of our officers to request an interview. names amongst others are as follows:

Eltankjoo/Elsneaky/Elhealj00 <-- those "00" are zeros

If no luck contacting them try find any member who may be hanging about at Vanguards by Old Athen Grid to send you an invite to our guest channel where you can introduce yourself to AP.

You say you're in the GMT +1 time zone, that's where quite a lot of our members are from. Peak time is usually early to late evenings for that zone.

Alright that's the basics, best of luck with your application and hope to see you ingame soon :)
AFK for the forseeable future.
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Re: Application from Fees / Joefrazier

Post by Bubbacrush »

Fees! You dirty bastid. :) Welcome back. Hows school coming along? I wondered if that was you I saw afk at the GMI. I thought for sure someone took your name. Now you said you deleted your doctor? I bet you are kicking yourself for that. :P

Also, Siddy joined AP too. Too bad he's inactive at the moment. Would be a nice reunion.

@Chrisax: You'll want this guy to join. He's good people.
The Gamer Formerly Known as Bubbacrush
Towerblock 220 Engineer
Groundzer0 220 Nanotechnician
Gorillatron 220 Enforcer
Warpixie 220 Martial Artist
Sidereal 220 Metaphysicist
Hashfrag 167 Fixer
...and many many others.
Baby Leet
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Re: Application from Fees / Joefrazier

Post by fees »

hahaha no way, hey bubba/tower ;-)

Yea man, i'm a complete idiot and removed my doc, together with some other high lvl toons, i think a 220 crat as well....oh well. I might have a chat with the helpdesk and see if they can pull some black magic and conjure it back!

Honestly though, i can not remember all that much from those days. I remember tigerengi , but siddy...i can't recollect that name, sorry for that:/

Thanks for the recommendation by the way, that's really nice. I'm impressed you'd even remember me, some random guy that was in your org for a bit. That really does make me go all soft inside, i must have made some impression at least:D

Now for the sad news, i came back here to let you know i was approached by Valheru Ascendants literally minutes after i applied here...and decided to take up their offer.
I hope i didnt waste your time here AP, i did tell chrisax this so i hope all is good...

I've added you on friendslist (bubbacrush & towerblock)
My main is still Fees (lvl200 MA) but my paid toon is joefrazier so make sure to add them both and hit me up so we can chat about old times

See you around man!
See you around AP!
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